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How to Survive a Kitchen Remodel

The Remodeling Roller Coaster: Your Kitchen Remodel Survival Kit

The Remodeling Roller Coaster: Your Kitchen Remodel Survival Kit

You finally decide to take the leap and renovate your kitchen, so you begin researching companies, obtaining quotes, making a Pinterest board, and are feeling all sorts of anticipation.  You’re eager to choose a contractor and get the process started, but suddenly you realize what a big undertaking this is!

As exciting as it is to begin a remodeling project, it will most certainly bring on a rollercoaster of emotions that you may not be expecting.  Let’s take a look at what you may experience during a kitchen remodel and what steps you can take to help alleviate the stress.

What to Expect in the Planning Stages of Your Kitchen Remodel

You will likely experience a range of ups and downs; from your initial burst of inspiration all the way to the satisfaction and amazement of the completed project.  Remodeling requires a lot of patience because let’s face it, no matter which space in your home is being renovated, it is sure to disrupt your day to day habits and routines.  Throughout the process you may feel excited, anxious, exhausted, and elated all within the same week, but trust us when we say it is all worth it when you have the pleasure of sharing your freshly remodeled kitchen with friends and family!

When the day of your initial appointment finally comes, you are eager to share your ideas for the project.  As you wait to receive the proposal, suspense shoots through your system, giving you a burst of adrenaline.  During the project proposal, you may feel a bit of reservation, and maybe even a bit of surprise as you digest the details.  Alas, you agree to the proposition and confidently move forward with design, excited to begin.

You start off with a lot of steam as design gets underway, but quickly become over-stimulated and indecisive.  Fortunately, if you have hired a designer or design-build firm you will have expert advice to lean on, keeping you on track and feeling delighted and resolved. 

What to Expect During Construction

Your freshly renovated kitchen will provide you with an ideal space to prepare meals, entertain guests, and to simply enjoy your day but while you’re waiting to get through construction, you’ll experience a disruption in your daily routines. Remember that this is temporary even though it will likely cause a wide range of ups and downs, from excitement to fatigue and even a bit of burn out as you wait patiently (or impatiently) for your kitchen to be completed.

So What Will You Do Without a Kitchen During the Remodel?

One of the most frequently asked questions when remodeling a kitchen is “What do I do without one?” In some cases, you may be able to go on vacation or temporarily move into your guest suite during construction to alleviate some of the stress and amount of time you are disrupted.

Not an option for you?

Here’s Your Kitchen Remodel Survival Kit:

  1. Pack up your kitchen

  • First, set aside your most used tools in an easy to access plastic storage bin. Simple is better; don’t get wrapped up in fancy kitchen gadgets. A spatula, tongs, and a large spoon will do.

  • Take this opportunity to clear out drawers.  Make a plan for where each item will go once your kitchen is complete. If you can’t find a space for it then ask yourself if you really need it. Pack up only what is needed, then gift or donate what you don’t need. 

  1. Set up a temporary kitchen

  • Set up your “essentials only kitchen” in a nearby space such as the dining room, laundry area, or even the basement. You really only need a hot plate, crockpot, and a microwave or toaster oven. In some cases you may want to have a mini fridge however moving your refrigerator to another location is also an option. 

  • If you do not have a sink in the laundry room or near your temporary kitchen set up, you can use two basins; one for clean water and one for soapy water. Keep a sponge and dish soap handy and you have a makeshift washing station!

  • Disposable kitchenware such as paper plates, tin foil, and plasticware will be your best friend.  If you’re not into disposables, then one set of utensils per household member in a plastic bin will also work. This will encourage a “wash as you go” mentality and alleviate the need to wash loads of dishes.

  1. Get creative with mealtimes

  • Embrace your college years!  It may be wise to stock up on easy to heat/ ready to eat items such as deli meats, pre-made salads, canned items, or frozen crock pot dump meals. Hot bar meals from your local health food store can also provide nutritious meals for you and your family. 

  • Utilize your grill! Weather permitting, picnics are fun for the whole family.  An outdoor patio area is also a great way to enjoy nice weather for a meal while avoiding making any mess inside.

  • Of course, there is always the option to eat out. Eating out more often than you typically would may be the key to saving some of your sanity!

What to Expect when your kitchen Remodel is complete?

Congratulations, you made it!  Once your remodel is complete, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and pride as you show off your new kitchen to friends and family.  Preparing meals will leave you feeling satisfied and relaxed while you enjoy all of the conveniences your new space has to offer.  Entertaining will feel like a breeze, and everyday meals will be enjoyed; the rollercoaster of emotions you experienced throughout the renovation process will be long forgotten as you embrace the long awaited excitement of your beautiful new kitchen.

Are you ready for a fresh start?

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