Meet the Odell Team: Justin C

Team Member Tuesday


We think our team is pretty great and the chances are you will too! That’s why we created "#Teammembertuesday”.

This week’s team member spotlight features our Lead Carpenter. Justin is a jack of all trades, with extensive knowledge in a wide variety of areas of construction.

What we love about Justin:

Justin puts in 110% to whatever he does making his craftsmanship and attention to detail a coveted skill amongst new and seasoned team members. Justin is always happy to share his knowledge and techniques with others making him a great team leader.


Meet Justin C:

We interviewed Justin so you could get to know him better and here is what we found!

What do you do at Odell?

Carpenter 2
— Justin C

If you could write your own job title for what you do here what would it be?

Problem solver and specialize in customer satisfaction
— Justin C.
Justin C.jpg

What do you love about working at Odell?

Team atmosphere and quality of our work.
— Justin C.

If you won the lottery today, what would you do with the money?

Help out everyone around me.
— Justin C.

What activities do you enjoy outside of work?

Cooking, working out and spending time with my family
— Justin C.

Stay tuned as we spotlight each of our very unique and amazing team members throughout the months of June and July!

Want to chat about an upcoming project? Fill out your consultation request with the link below to get the ball rolling.


What is Aging in Place?


Meet the Odell Team: Jenna R.